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Chicago Nature NOW! Alert
May 20, 2023

“Weekly Wildflower Forecasts Featuring
Chicago’s Best Weekend Getaways & Nature Trips”


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This is the time to be on the lookout for spectacular shows
taking place in our showcase prairies, savannas, and woodlands.


WILDFLOWER FORECAST & HIGHLIGHTS to help you plan your outdoor adventures into Chicago’s Woodlands:

Beautiful blooms of woodland phlox, mayapple, and wild geranium are the last big flower shows in our woodlands. And time may have already run out. However, this is  also the moment to begin searching for the magnificent world-class shows of wild lupine and shooting star. These are must-see events! But nature isn’t just about flowers. It’s about the experience. Explore and discover a preserve from the list below. Be open to nature’s unexpected gifts, whether it be a colorful, awe-inspiring bloom, the mysterious squeak of two rubbing trees mimicking the cry of a baby animal, or the life-affirming odor of skunk cabbage. All of these things will open up your life to a world of wonder and intrigue.

The curtain has gone down on the performances of Virginia Bluebell. And you may still catch the last act of large-flowered trillium as they take their final bow with flushed faces. This magnificent blossom puts on the best shows at Heron Rookery Trail (at Indiana Dunes National Park) and at the nearby J. Timothy Ritchie Preserve that’s owned by Shirley Hines Land Trust. These alabaster beauties also grow at Messenger Woods in Homer Glen, Meacham Grove in DuPage County, Harms Woods in Glenview, and Captain Daniel Wright Woods in Mettawa. And speaking of trillium, the elegant and ethereal prairie trillium also flowers in most of our woodlands.

It’s possible that you may still discover woodland shows of woodland phlox and wild geranium alongside hidden blossoms of mayapple and wild ginger. Take a closer look underneath the leaves of wild ginger to find their fuzzy burgundy flowers. And the large waxy white blossoms of mayapple should be flowering by now. To find them, look beneath the umbrellas of two-leafed plants.

The sublime light-blue plumes of wild hyacinth are usually aflower at this time in some of our savannas and woodlands, including Wolf Road Prairie, Black Partridge Woods, and Oldfield Oaks in Darien.

Shooting star and wild lupine are featured as our Plants of the Week because they put on breathtaking end-of-May performances. The former is found in overwhelming numbers at Chiwaukee Prairie. It’s absolutely spectacular. You can also experience their celestial beauty at Fermilab Prairie, Shoe Factory Road Prairie, and Somme Prairie Grove. At Miller Woods at Indiana Dunes National Park, the show of wild lupine is unbelievably beautiful, as the blues and purples drape across the rolling dunes sprinkled with golden hoary puccoon. Wow! Within the national park, they also bloom at Tolleston Dunes, and West Beach, but the blue-and-white blossom also shows up at Illinois Beach Nature Preserve and Chiwaukee Prairie.

Closer to the city, you may find a dramatic show of wild hyacinth at Wolf Road Prairie, where a savanna of feathery plumes greets you as you hop out of your car (along 31st Street). You can also catch these flowers at sites like Somme Prairie Grove, Oldfield Oaks, and Black Partridge Woods, but the flowers aren’t nearly as abundant. The month of May is also the time to find the spiraling flowerheads of wood betony at Black Partridge Woods. Somme Prairie Grove, Shoe Factory Road Prairie, Fermilab Prairie, and later in the month at Chiwaukee Prairie when the shooting stars cover the grassland pink with touches of yellow star grass, birdfoot violet, and golden Alexander. And the golden blossoms of hoary puccoon may be found in our prairies and oak savannas, including Somme Prairie Grove, Shoe Factory Road Prairie, Pembroke Savanna, Belmont Prairie, Miller Woods, and usually a little later at Illinois Beach Nature Preserve and Chiwaukee Prairie

As the trees are leafing out in an emerald filigree, let’s appreciate the textured lushness and shapely foliage that typify vernal season: wild leek, mayapple, skunk cabbage, and wild ginger. Wild leek is the one of the first plants to sprout, with a spray of swordlike leaves that make up a large percentage of the woodland greenery. You should now find mayapple with leaves that resemble an open umbrella, or a closed umbrella when they first sprout. Seek out the the sprawling leaves of skunk cabbage in the wet and muddy areas. Great displays can be found at Pilcher Park, Trout Park, Black Partridge Woods, and Bluff Spring Fen. And notice the heart-shaped leaves of wild ginger and its fuzzy burgundy flower hiding underneath. As an interesting history lesson, wild leek is the plant that gives Chicago its name. In the late 1600s, Potawatomi Indians who paddled the area rivers were commonly heard yelling “Chicagoua!” after catching a strong whiff of chicagoua, or wild leek, growing prolifically along the wooded banks. Wild leek is part of the onion family, hence the Chicago nickname, “The Big Onion.” NOTE: It is illegal to remove this plant, or any other plant from any preserve in the Chicago region.

Another wonderful show happens sometime between late April and mid-May at Pembroke Savanna, when birdfoot violet and sand phlox carpet the sandy floor of this black oak savanna. And, if you’re lucky, the breathtaking stout blue-eye grass might be aflower.




I’ve ranked the preserves on this week’s list based on the information predicted by my one-of-a-kind propriety database of wildflowers blooming events, starting out with the best or “Go!” The “Go, if You’re in the Neighborhood” section is for sites that are worth visiting if you can’t make it to the top-rated preserves.



Pembroke Savanna in Hopkins Park: Sometime during late April to mid-May, the preserve puts on a beautiful show of blue and white, as carpets of sapphire birdfoot violet and sparkling sand phlox flow across the savanna. Don’t leave without bending down to enjoy the fragrance of these two jewels. You may also see the white of sand cress and starry false Solomon’s seal, and the golds of two-flowered Cynthia and buds of hoary puccoon. On your visit, you’ll notice mysterious sand mounds throughout the preserves. They are the handiwork of the plains pocket gopher. This rarely seen underground gopher excavates tunnels, and the extra sand has to go somewhere.

Miller Woods in Indiana Dunes National Park: The spectacular show of wild lupine can reach peak bloom somewhere from mid to late May. It’s a must-see event. Adding the to the blue hues are the sublime blue-eyed grass and birdfoot violet. The vibrant yellow blooms of hoary puccoon add a golden sparkle to the savanna as the buttery blooms of wood betony end their run. The red-and-yellow blossoms of wild columbine float above the understory of the savanna. And flashes of white come from wild strawberry and bastard toadflax. Keep your eyes open, and you may even find the gorgeous red Indian paintbrush. While you’re here, take the trail to the lakeshore. Along the way, the path crosses a wide gravel path that goes straight east-west. Head west, and you’ll find beaver lodges and activity. If you arrive early or remain late in the day, chances are you’ll be greeted by a beaver slapping its flat tail against the water to alert others of its kind about that human lurking about. This abandoned railroad right-of-way isn’t as intimate as the official narrow trail, but I like the views better. After your hike, consider checking out the lupines at Tolleston Dunes and West Beach. NOTE: The trail can be covered in water in some area. We recommend high boots. Or just slosh on through!

Chiwaukee Prairie in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin: The preserve is putting on its finest show of the year: the performance by the spectacular shooting star. It is joined by a colorful cast: hoary puccoon, wood betony, yellow star grass, blue-eyed grass, birdfoot violet, and wild strawberryGolden Alexander is just beginning to expose its bright yellow blossoms. And check along the edges for soon-to-bloom wild lupine. While you’re here, you should definitely visit Illinois Beach Nature Preserve in Zion, which is easily provides the best nature experience in the region.

Black Partridge Woods in Lemont: The spring wildflower season ends in May with shows of woodland phlox, mayapple, wild hyacinth, and wild geranium. The greatest densities of the latter two plants can be found atop the bluffs. It’s also a dreamy time to experience the lushness of the woodland. It’s so green—from the new leaves of the tiered tree canopy to the dense carpet of foliage on the woodland floor. Thanks to wild ginger that has fully leafed out, you can hardly see the ground beneath. I love the miniature forests of mayapple with their parasol-shaped leaves where you may still be able to find a lonesome waxy white blossom hiding under the plants with two umbrellas. Exciting patches of acrobatic skunk cabbage leaves add to the whimsy. Wild leek‘s emerald swords put up a defense, along with the star-like leaves of wild geranium. And look for the floating filigreed foliage of early meadow rue.  A smattering of white and pink shooting star may also be found on the bluffs above. And if woodland phlox is still aflower, note its gorgeous fragrance. If you find a larger patch of phlox, you may not even have to put nose to petal to detect its fabulous scent. The combination of woodland phlox, wild geranium, and shooting star is wonderful sight.

Shoe Factory Road Prairie in Hoffman Estates: Though not officially a hill prairie, this gravelly prairie on a hill gets a lot of sun and also a lot of wildflowers. This is usually a good time to see hoary puccoon, wood betony, shooting star, birdfoot violet, and blue-eyed grass.

Wolf Road Prairie in Westchester: In the oak savanna, the often-dramatic show of wild hyacinth is usually the big attraction around this time, alongside the pink blooms of wild geranium and white starry false Solomon’s seal. In the savanna, you’ll probably find more starry false Solomon’s seal, buttery wood betony, golden hoary puccoon and golden Alexander, and white blossoms of wild senna
wild strawberry.



Raccoon Grove Nature Preserve in Monee: I love this place for its springtime lushness. In early to mid May, you can find beautiful displays of pink wild geranium and blue woodland phlox. And as May progresses, dramatic plumes of false Solomon’s seal scatter across the rolling verdant landscape. The foliage on the woodland floor has fully matured as the trees are pushing out fresh delicate leaves in the canopy overhead. Spread across the woodland floor are the jade hues and lush patterns of wild leek, mayapple, and the omnipresent wild ginger. The latter two might still be blooming! A rich variety of flowers can be found at this preserve. Upon entering, you’re immediately greeted by a nice display of woodland phlox, which is the most prominent flower after the Virginia bluebells have faded away. Like the bluebell, phlox has a wonderful fragrance that you should be able to smell as you stroll by. At the same time, the pink blossoms of wild geranium rival phlox as the star of the show. You may still find some sparkle from  rue anemone, false rue anemone, common blue violet, common yellow violet, and bristly buttercup. And look for Jack-in-the-pulpit and the gorgeous and shy drooping trillium. The strange and wonderful prairie trillium may be blooming in very large numbers, and you may find some that look yellow. And finally, If you take it slow and remain very quiet as you approach the bridge, you may see frogs resting along the muddy banks. 

Fermilab Natural Areas in Batavia: In mid May, the prairie blooms with wood betony shooting star, and golden Alexander. The adjacent woodland may still have some grand alabaster blossoms of large-flowered trillium, floating pink blooms of wild geranium, and prominent displays of woodland phlox and golden colonies of bristly buttercup. And you may still find prairie trillium alongside the hiding blooms of mayapple and wild ginger.

Somme Prairie Grove in Northbrook: Note that springtime starts a little later in the northern suburbs. Remain under the tree canopy to see the most spring ephemerals. You may now find the beautiful hemi-parasitic wood betony scattered in patches across the preserve, often in the sunnier spots, along with shooting star, prairie trillium, and golden Alexander in early bloom. Look for yellow water buttercup and miniature forests of mayapple that add to the whimsy. Park at the main parking lot for this preserve, located at Somme Woods, then follow the narrow trail and cross the street to Somme Prairie Grove. 

Johnson’s Mound Forest Preserve in Elburn: This intimate preserve is known for its ravines and the flowers that cross the braes. During early to mid May, the preserve is richly green from your ankles to the fresh tree canopy above. During this time, it often offers some nice displays of pink wild geranium and blue woodland phlox amidst the white blooms of mayapple.

Heron Rookery Trail at Indiana Dunes National Park: The peak bloom of large-flowered trillium is usually done by this time, but it may be worth a shot if you’re already in the area for the wild lupines at Miller Woods. The display of trillium is even better at the nearby J. Timothy Ritchie Preserve, which is owned by Shirley Hines Land Trust. Begin your stroll at the west parking lot. This woodland usually blooms earlier than most of our other preserves, but it can also be flooded by waters of the adjacent Little Calumet River. As we reach the middle of May, you might find wild geranium and woodland phlox blooming amidst a sea of green wild leek, mayapple, and wild ginger. And look for the bright-yellow bristly buttercup that love the muddy areas.

Bluff Spring Fen in Elgin:  Under the trees, check under the parasols of mayapple for its poisonous waxy white flower. Yet, the most prolific blooms may be happening under the sun with shining displays of wood betony and golden Alexander. Then add to that the brilliant yellow blossoms of hairy puccoon. You’ll also find ivory tones from bastard toadflax in the prairie and fluffy plumes of common cottongrass in the soggy areas. Under the protection of the savanna’s canopy, look for woodland phlox, wild geranium, shooting star, and the sublime stout blue-eyed grass

Messenger Woods in Homer Glen The shows of Virginia bluebells and large-flowered trillium should be gone by now. Yet, you may still find a beautiful show of wild geranium and possibly some woodland phlox. The maroon flowers of prairie trillium may still be hanging on, and so might the large waxy white flowers of mayapple.  Once spring takes hold, you’ll see a variety of blooming ephemerals amidst an emerald carpet often rich in a lacy false mermaid, mayapple, wild leek, and wild ginger.

Belmont Prairie in Downers Grove: In May, this intimate remnant prairie awakens with golden bouquets of hoary puccoon alongside starry false Solomon’s seal, yellow star grass, and wild strawberry.

NOTE: If you can’t make it to our showcase preserves, try McKinley Woods/Fredericks Grove in Channahon, Daniel Wright Woods in Mettawa, and Harms Woods in Glenview, and Oldfield Oaks in Darien, and J. Timothy Ritchie Preserve in Chesterton, Indiana. You’re bound to find some good stuff.


PLANTS OF THE WEEK (Shooting Star & Wild Lupine):


Shooting Star:

In May, the beautiful blooms of shooting star can be found in prairies and woodlands, alike. The shape of the flower belies its celestial name, with five petals that trail behind its pointed tip. This springtime plant favors soil that is moist to modestly dry, but can thrive on the sunny slopes if there's enough rain. It seems to like slopes because it doesn't get as much competition there. The plant is also sensitive to dead vegetation that can smother it, which is why it also favors the occasional fire.*

In May, the beautiful blooms of shooting star can be found in prairies and woodlands, alike. The shape of the flower belies its celestial name, with five petals that trail behind its pointed tip. This springtime plant favors soil that is moist to modestly dry, but can thrive on the sunny slopes if there’s enough rain. It seems to like slopes because it doesn’t get as much competition there. The plant is also sensitive to dead vegetation that can smother it, which is why it also favors the occasional fire.*

Shooting stars and woodland phlox at Black Partridge Woods in Lemont, Illinois

Early to mid-May brings scenes of shooting star and woodland phlox to the bluffs of Black Partridge Woods in Lemont, Illinois.”

Shooting Stars glow in the final light of day at Fermilab Prairie in Batavia, Illinois.*

On this May evening, shooting stars glowed in the final light of day at Fermilab Prairie in Batavia, Illinois.*

May at Chiwaukee Prairie offers a breathtaking display of shooting stars.*

Sometime between mid-May and early June, Chiwaukee Prairie offers a spectacular display of shooting star.*


Wild Lupine:

Wild Lupine of species Lupinus perennis.

Wild lupine, of species Lupinus perennis, seems to love poor soil,. However, in ancient times, it was believed that the lupines were creating the bad soil by wolfing down the nutrients. Hence, the name comes from the Greek word “Lupus,” or “wolf.” In reality, lupine brings nutrients to the soil just like other legumes, such as leadplant, white wild indigo, scurfy pea, and purple prairie clover. Around Chicago, lupine can be found growing in sandy soil under the trees of black oak savannas, including Miller Woods, part of Indiana Dunes National Park and Illinois Beach Nature Preserve in Zion.

Atop this spring dune thrives wild lupine at Miller Woods Nature Preserve, part of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore in Gary, Indiana.*

Atop this spring dune thrives wild lupine at Miller Woods, part of Indiana Dunes National Park in Gary, Indiana. While you’re in the park, you also can find them at Tolleston Dunes, and West Beach.*

Biodiversity is about the many, not the few. Here, it’s springtime in the savanna, where blue lupines share precious space with hoary puccoon. But, as the season advances, both will fade, making room for an array of other species, in a cycle where each has its time in the sun and then returns to the soil.*

Biodiversity is about the many, not the few. Here, it’s springtime in the savanna at Illinois Beach Nature Preserve, where blue lupines share precious space with hoary puccoon. But, as the season advances, both will fade, making room for an array of other species, in a cycle where each has its time in the sun and then returns to the soil.*

Painterly image of Wild lupine of species Lupinus perennis

An exploration into the inner world of wild lupine.





Wood Betony:

Wood betony blooms in the May savanna at Somme Prairie Grove in Northbrook, Illinois.

Wood betony (Pedicularis canadensis) is also known as lousewort because it was erroneously thought to bring lice to grazing sheep and photographers who get too close. For some of its nutritional needs, the plant uses its roots to feed off of grasses, mycorrhizal fungi, and possibly other plants. I said “some” nutritional needs. Therefore, that plant is a parasite, but only partially so. Hence, it’s a hemi-parasite, more of a nibbler, as opposed to a full-fledged sap-sucking parasite. Though the leaves at the base exude a beautiful reddish tone, the green color above is the giveaway. The verdant hue shows that it’s not totally lazy, and creates its own energy through sunlight and chlorophyll production. In fact, wood betony can grow just fine even when its host plants aren’t around. Due to its nibbling nature, wood betony is known to stunt the growth of surrounding grasses. This is why it’s sometimes used in habitat restoration to quell the aggressiveness of towering grasses. In May, wood betony blooms in the best open woodlands, prairies, and savannas, like Black Partridge Woods, Bluff Spring Fen, Shoe Factory Road Prairie, Fermilab Prairie, Chiwaukee Prairie, Illinois Beach Nature Preserve, and here at Somme Prairie Grove in Northbrook, Illinois.*

On this May morning at Shoe Factory Road Prairie, wood betony blooms under a red sunrise.*

On this May morning at Shoe Factory Road Prairie, wood betony awakens to the light of a red sunrise.*

In May, wood betony blooms atop the bluffs at Black Partridge Woods in Lemont, Illinois.

Usually in early May, wood betony blooms atop the bluffs at Black Partridge Woods in Lemont, Illinois.*


Woodland Phlox:

In May, woodland phlox covers the bluffs at Black Partridge Woods.*

Many of our featured woodlands are home to the blue or purple, and sometimes, white woodland phlox of species Phlox divaricata laphamii, including here at Black Partridge Woods where they flow in a serpentine wave up the bluff. From a distance, the flower appears to have five petals. But it only has one deeply lobed petal. But because the petals of a flower are collectively known as the corolla, the plant is said to have a five-lobed corolla. The flowers have a beautiful fragrance that I easily detect from several feet away, though pushing your nose into the corolla would give you a much better view of its intricacies. You can also find beautiful displays of this plant at woodlands, like Fermilab Natural Areas, Johnson’s Mound, and Raccoon Grove.*


Sand Phlox:

A mound formed by the burrowing plains pocket gopher in the black oak savanna at Pembroke Savanna Nature Preserve.

Sand phlox of species of Phlox bifida bifida (no I didn’t stutter) has one white or pale blue-violet corolla, which is a collection of petals. But in this case, there’s only one petal with five Y-shaped lobes. As the common name suggests, this plant is often found growing in sandy soil, but it can handle mesic earth as well. This pictured colony of sand phlox surrounds a soft, sandy mound that was made by the burrowing plains pocket gopher in the black oak savanna of Pembroke Savanna Nature Preserve.*


Wild Geranium:

You can find wild geranium at all featured woodlands. Here, at Black Partridge Woods, the pink blooms float above its star-shaped foliage.*

You can find wild geranium in all of our featured “sandless” woodlands and at many other preserves across the Chicago region. Here at Black Partridge Woods in Lemont, the pink flower hovers above their celestial star-shaped foliage.*

At Raccoon Grove, as evening nears in this beautiful spring woodland, the final streaks of sunlight penetrate the emerald canopy. The shining rays highlight the broad leaves of false Solomon’s seal and animate the soft, pink blooms of wild geranium, making all that is illuminated stand apart from the surrounding foliage.*

At Raccoon Grove, as evening nears in this beautiful spring woodland, the final streaks of sunlight penetrate the emerald canopy. The shining rays highlight the broad leaves of false Solomon’s seal and animate the soft, pink blooms of wild geranium, making all that is illuminated stand apart from the surrounding foliage.*

May brings glorious displays of wild geranium to Oldfield Oaks in Darien, Illinois, part of Forest Preserve District of DuPage County.*

May brings glorious displays of wild geranium to Oldfield Oaks in Darien, Illinois, part of Forest Preserve District of DuPage County.*


Wild Hyacinth:

Wild hyacinth at Wolf Road Prairie in Westchester, Illinois.*

Wild hyacinth at Wolf Road Prairie in Westchester, Illinois.*

Each May, wild hyacinths bloom in woodlands and oak savannas across the Chicago region including, here, at Wolf Road Prairie in Westchester, Illinois.*

Each May, wild hyacinth blooms in woodlands and oak savannas across the Chicago region including, here, at Wolf Road Prairie in Westchester, Illinois.*

Wild hyacinths bloom in abundance at Oldfield Oaks in Darien.*

Each May, wild hyacinth blooms in woodlands and oak savannas across the Chicago region including, here, at Wolf Road Prairie in Westchester, Illinois.*


Starry False Solomon’s Seal:

The geometric beauty of Starry false Solomon's seal at Wolf Road Prairie in Westchester, Illinois.

The geometric beauty of starry false Solomon’s seal at Wolf Road Prairie in Westchester, Illinois.*


Stout Blue-Eyed Grass

Common blue-eyed grass

The sublime blooms of stout blue-eye grass may now be aflower at Pembroke Savanna in Hopkins Park, Illinois. And they bloom at these other preserves: Illinois Beach Nature Preserve, Chiwaukee Prairie, Miller Woods, and Somme Prairie Grove.*



In woodlands across northeastern Illinois, like here at Black Partridge Woods in Lemont, April showers bring out the umbrellas in the form of mayapples. And the white flowers of false rue anemone sparkle like raindrops. At the moment, mayapples are either just sprouting or just starting to open their umbrellas.*

In woodlands across northeastern Illinois, like here at Black Partridge Woods in Lemont, April showers bring out the umbrellas in the form of mayapples. And the white flowers of false rue anemone sparkle like raindrops. At the moment, mayapples are either just sprouting or just starting to open their umbrellas.*


Wild Ginger:

At Black Partridge Woods, take a look underneath the fanning mayapple leaf, and you may find a hidden waxy, white bloom. You may also discover a burgundy flower hiding beneath the heart-shaped leaves of wild ginger.*

The green foliage is the star of the springtime show. Here you see the heart-shaped leaves of wild ginger alongside a single blooming mayapple. The flowers of both plants can be found hiding beneath the leaves. All of our featured woodlands feature both of these plants.*


Large-flowered Trillium:

Large-flowered trillium of species Trillium grandiflorum covers the woodland floor in a spectacular annual display at J. Timothy Ritchie Nature Preserve in Chesterton, Indiana.*

Large-flowered trillium of species Trillium grandiflorum covers the woodland floor in a spectacular annual display at J. Timothy Ritchie Nature Preserve in Chesterton, Indiana. This is not on our list of showcase preserves, but it’s a wonderful supplement to your visit to nearby Heron Rookery Trail.*

Large-flowered trillium carpet the woodland floor at Messenger Woods in Homer Glen, Illinois.*

Sometime between mid-April and early May, large-flowered trillium will appear at Messenger Woods in Homer Glen. Their bloom usually coincides with that of Virginia bluebell.*

Large-flowered trillium carpet the floor of Captain Daniel Wright Woods in Mettawa, Illinois.

Large-flowered trillium carpet the floor of Captain Daniel Wright Woods in Mettawa, Illinois.*

Large-flowered trillium bloom in profusion at Harms Woods in Cook County, Illinois. The flowers turn pink as they fade.*

The blooming in the northern suburbs lags behind the southern ones, so it takes a little longer for the large-flowered trillium to appear at Captain Daniel Wright Woods in Metawa, and here, at Harms Woods in Glenview. Notice how the flowers turn pink as they fade.*


Large-Flowered Bellwort:


Prairie Trillium:

Red trillium and setting sun.*

At O’Hara Woods in Romeoville, prairie trillium rises as the sun sets.*


Skunk Cabbage:

It's springtime at Pilcher Park and sunlight shines through the enormous fanning foliage of skunk cabbage which, if broken, releases a strong scent reminiscent of skunk, though sweeter and not nearly as overpowering. If you’re someone who, like me, finds the powerful essence of skunk to be an invigorating and life-affirming experience, the skunk inside the cabbage will definitely let you down.*

It’s springtime at Pilcher Park and sunlight shines through the enormous fanning foliage of skunk cabbage which, if broken, releases a strong scent reminiscent of skunk, though sweeter and not nearly as overpowering. If you’re someone like me, who finds the powerful essence of skunk to be an invigorating and life-affirming experience, the skunk inside the cabbage will definitely let you down. You’ll find many at Pilcher Park Nature Center, Black Partridge Woods, Bluff Spring Fen, Trout Park, and O’Hara Woods.*


Shoe Factory Road Prairie:

Hoary puccoon and birdfoot violet glow in the morning light at the hill prairie called Shoe Factory Road Prairie.*

At Shoe Factory Road Prairie, hoary puccoon and birdfoot violet glow in the morning light at this prairie-on-a-hill.*


Pembroke Savanna:

In May, Pembroke Savanna is home to blooms of white sand phlox and rare birdfoot violet."

Between late April and mid-May, Pembroke Savanna is home to blooms of white sand phlox and rare birdfoot violet.”

In 2013 and in many years since, sand phlox spread across the black oak savanna of Pembroke Savanna Nature Preserve in Hopkins Park, Illinois.*

In 2013 and in many years since, sand phlox spread across the black oak savanna of Pembroke Savanna Nature Preserve in Hopkins Park, Illinois.*



Chiwaukee Prairie’s May Show of Shooting Star:


Springtime wildflowers bloom in profusion at Chiwaukee Prairie in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin.*

Shooting star, hoary puccoon, yellow star grass, and others are blooming in profusion at Chiwaukee Prairie in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. You can also find the plant at Black Partridge Woods, Shoe Factory Road Prairie, Fermilab Prairie, and Somme Prairie Grove.*


* Photo is representational and was not recorded this year. Bloom times vary from year to year.


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