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The Milky Way of Ephemeral Balloons

The Milky Way of Ephemeral Balloons

  • Author: Mike MacDonald
  • Date Posted: Jan 24, 2025
  • Category:

The Milky Way of Ephemeral Balloons

The final rays of day illuminate icy Indian Creek, where water bubbles flow, bounce, and gather just beneath the frozen surface.

As the final rays of day illuminate icy Indian Creek, a bouncy parade of water bubbles still manage to flow just beneath the glassy surface.

On Saturday, the stream at Reed-Turner Woodland created a solar system of conspicuous frozen planets. But look more closely, and you’ll find a Milky Way of miniature stars glistening through the abyss.

At the bottom of the frame, water still flows beneath the surface. “Blue” bubbles bounce and bump to navigate a maze of ice, joyfully squeezing and swelling into countless shapes and sizes along their way. Ephemeral balloons. They will ride the current to wherever it takes them, eventually exploding into space. But maybe, in the meantime, they will surrender to the cold to buy some extra time in the Milky Way.


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