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Middlefork SavannaLake Forest, Illinois

Middlefork Savanna

Lake Forest, Illinois

  • Author: Mike MacDonald
  • Date Posted: Jun 1, 2016
  • Category:

Get Directions to Middlefork Savanna

Wide trails navigable by foot or by bike guide you past open stretches of wetland, prairie, and savanna. See frogs and turtles, egrets and herons, elusive mink, and birds that perch on tall flowers and make them dance.

As summer progresses, most prairie plants grow ever taller in a battle for the sun. Like elegant dancers, they always want their moment in the spotlight. Here, in the morning stillness of Middlefork Savanna, blazing star, compass plant, and prairie dock stand adorned and erect.

As summer progresses, most prairie plants grow ever taller in a battle for the sun. Like elegant dancers, they always want their moment in the spotlight. Here, in the morning stillness of Middlefork Savanna, blazing star, compass plant, and prairie dock stand adorned and erect.


  • Great expanses
  • Wide trails for biking and hiking


  • Wetland wildlife
  • Prairie birds
  • Prairie and wetland wildflowers

Best Times to Visit:

  • May through September for flowers
  • Spring through Fall for the wildlife

Mike’s Thoughts: Middlefork Savanna is named after the rare tallgrass savanna along the middle fork of the Chicago River, but the wetlands and the prairies steal the show. In the wetlands along the wide recreational trail, turtles, frogs, and long-legged wading birds abound. Twice I’ve seen mink.

Learn more about Middlefork Savanna from the following websites:




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